How to customize a blogger blog with Facebook Like box and sharing plugin - webgoodies

March 19, 2017 1 Comments A+ a-

Facebook Like Box is extremely mainstream and it assume's an extraordinary part of expanding site movement and interactivity, this gadget is valuable. Facebook offers this basic Like Box gadget which you can without much of a stretch coordinate into your site.

Step (1) 

Go to

Step (2)

Now choose the page link or URL you want to use with the like Like Button.

Step (3)

Paste the URL or link inside the code configurator and adjust settings like the width of your Like Button and the Button actual size.

After the adjustment click the get code button to generate your like button code.

Step (4)

From the top, select " Iframe format".

Step (5)

You can now copy and paste the HTML snippet generated into the HTML of the destination website.

Step (6)

Open your blogger dashboard and select the post which you want to apply it on.
select HTML view and paste it where you want it to display.

Step (7)

This is our final result....

when you are done, refresh your post and view it to confirm. keep in mind to drop your remark beneath...

Note: - Before you can add the Facebook Like Box to your blog post make sure you have already created a unique Facebook page for this.


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4 May 2017 at 22:39 delete

great article i hope you post more articles in your feature
